Oh, my. I have a full blown case of spring fever now. Even after the mild winter we've had! I've barely had time to plant anything, I think that means I need to reanalyze my priorities. Ha! Anyway, last week I saw some Daylilies in the store and added a couple of new varieties of these simple and forgiving beauties to my yard/garden.
I seemed to be in a “Pink” Mood. For a few years when I was a kid, everything I had just had to be pink or purple or some variation thereof…..I guess I still have spells of that.
Daylilies are tough and do not need much care. A good example in the country where I grew up in Southwest Missouri were those orange ones that grew everywhere, even on the side of the road. Those were brought in a long time ago by people that settled the area, I'm told anyway. You don't see as many now. I think if I do I am adding them to my beds just as a tip of the hat to “the old days”.
This cultivar is called “Romantic Rose”.
I picked up a second one. I like the various bicolored ones too. And as my aunt said one time, it's just amazing that there are colors that go together and colors that don't, but when they are together in nature, all the colors look beautiful together. I've never forgotten her saying that. She lived across the field from us, and I just loved her as a kid growing up.
Here then, is my other new one, the bicolor “Orchid Candy”. I mean, come on. Who's NOT buying something called Orchid Candy?
I fully expect these to bloom the first year. They usually will unless you transplant them at the wrong time. I like the ruffled texture on this one. I have a lot of yellows and reds, and oranges, and I just felt compelled to start adding some pinks to the mix.
I hope if you stopped by you have a great week. ~JB was here.