
Hot Cocoa Week-I so hereby declare.......

What a terrible weather week we've had, and what a looooooooooong winter! I'm so ready for spring. Last night, after a week of sickness on top of everything else (I've had a terrible headcold) I had this craving for Hot Cocoa. I needed Chocolate and I needed it now.  I decided to try to duplicate the really rich stuff that you treat yourself to, like in a shop or something. Or a really indulgent mix. That must be alot of calories, right?  I was shocked to learn that (the mix I wound up making) really isn't such a diet derailment in terms of calories and definitely NOT fat. 

Julie Brown's All-Natural Indulgent 150 Calorie Hot Cocoa Mix (Makes one Tall Mug)

1/3 cup Non-Fat Instant Dry Milk (80 calories)

1 TBSP Special Dark Cocoa (10 calories)

2 TBSP Powdered Confectioner's sugar (60 calories)

pure vanilla extract to taste 

8 ounces hot water (heated mine to boiling in the microwave) 

Mix that together and you have heaven in a tall mug. I put some whip cream topping on mine. Two tablespoons of the Great Value in a can only adds 15 calories. For a total of 165!  I know. I couldn't believe it either. 


~JB was here.

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