
What I Planted-Native Flower Garden

Last fall, I planted a little Wildflower Garden, as a part of my plan to have more native plants and flowers in my own yard. I wanted to help the butterflies and hummingbirds, have less maintenance, and more enjoyment in a more complimentary landscape to our Ozarks environment here. Here is one variety that I planted:

The Glade Coneflower: Others that I planted were Butterfly Plant, Blazing Star, Purple Coneflower, Missouri Coneflower, Milkweed, and a couple of others. I bought the plants dormant last fall from Missouri Wildflower Nursery  and I am happy to report I can already see some signs of life occuring in the dormant plants!  They should really start up in this next little warm up we are going to get here in South Missouri!  I will post more pics soon, although there really isn't much to see, yet. But I have this vision....... :)

Have a great day. ~JB was here.



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