Entries in Migration (1)


The Reforming Taker: A Vision of Monarchs

Part of my vision for my new planting involves these guys:

Monarch Butterfly on the way south to Mexico.  

Each year, they migrate over the farm, and a large part of the country on their way to Mexico. It is my understanding from some of my studies this summer (you have to something when you can't get out and garden) that they are having issues with destruction of habitat and host species both here, and in their migration destinations. I want to do something for them in some small way.

So, part of my native plantings in the new bed will be Butterfly weed. The emerging young must have it for food.

The Monarchs also like oak trees and use them in their life cycle including for cover at night on their way south, I've noticed. That part I've got covered, since it is a native tree here that covers a lot of area.  Enjoy your gardening vision, where ever you are.  :) ~JB was here.